Simple Ways To Stop Your Dog Licking You

Every pet owner has experienced the affectionate licks from their pets. Your dog licks you as it the most common form of showing the affection towards you or they lick you to get  your attention. This is the only way he can show his love to you. You can be in problem with his licks, as the licking transfers a whole host of bacteria, germs and other nasty things. That's the reason you should not allow your doggy to lick you. Here are the ways how you can stop the licking you: 

Show Your Affection:

When Your furry pal is calm and not attempting to lick you, play with him, spend quality time by praising and patting him. It is good to show affection to your canine, so that he do not feel that they need to lick to seek out attention and affection from you.

Offer Substitute:

Some breeds of the dogs are only happy when their mouths are active like licking, eating or holding a ball. If your pooch have this habit, make sure that you give him an substitute to licking. You can provide him a toy so that he be busy with it. Ensure that you don't end up by teaching your dog that licking can gain a reward and encourage him to lick more.

Reward Treats:

If your dog licks you every time say "no" and reward him with the treat when your dog complies. If your dog is still licking after offering the treat, withhold the treat until your dog approaches without trying to lick you. In this way your dog will understand that licking is not liked by you.

Avoid Your Pooch:

If your dog is licking you try to avoid him and move away from their lick. Keep you pup away by holding his collar until he stops. Use "no" command firmly. Whenever your furry pal tries to lick you repeat the same procedure, So that he stop this licking behavior.

Hope you will take in and practice the above methods to for stopping your dog to lick you. But, Make sure that your pooch is not licking other things or himself continuously. Sometimes licking you or himself  is fine, if he is doing it continuously, it may be sign of some behavioral issues. In this case, take him to the vet and talk about his behavior.

You may also be interested in reading: Multiple Choices To Prevent And Treat Your Pooch From Fleas


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