A Beginner's Guide To Keep Your Dog In Good Shape

Exercise is very crucial for you furry pal's health throughout the year. It helps your dog to be fit and trim with the regular activities. Have you prepared a workout plan and activities for your doggy? Do you know the benefits of planning a proper workout schedule? Check out this guide to create a safe and a healthy workout plan to get your canine companion in a good shape.

Workout Activities:
You can go through these workout activities to find which exercise will suit your pooch's needs. Here is the list which helps to fulfill your furry pal's exercise requirements:
  • Jogging
  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Running off leash
  • Playing with other pets.

Workout Plan: 
It is important that you workout a plan for your pup. You need to setup the routine which helps him to get proper exercise to keep him fit and fine. Schedule the timings for walking or jogging for 10 to 20 minutes twice a day. Introducing a new dog to your furry pal may encourage him to do more exercise; as they can play with each other etc. If you are not able to give time to your pooch, hire someone who can take care of your dog according to the workout plan you make.

Low-Calorie Treats:

If your dog loves to have treats, you can give him the low calories treats. This will help to keep your dog in proper shape and free from overweight. If your pooch has any food allergies, talk to the vet which treat would be best for him:
  • Pear slices
  • Apple slices
  • Carrot slices
  • Banana slices
  • Green beans
  • Melon chunks
  • Cooked meat
  • Popcorn (Without oil and butter)

Benefits Of Regular Workouts:

Regular exercise will help your furry pal in many ways. It can have a tremendous impact on your doggy's overall well-being such as:
  • Ward off obesity
  • Higher metabolism
  • Better muscle tone
  • Smaller appetite
  • Prevents boredom
  • Prevents him from instinctive desires like herd, retrieve or hunt
  • Prevents him from destructive ways like chewing or digging

Take The Advice From Vet:

It is essential to take the advice from the vet before starting any exercise with your furry pal. Exercise needs may differ according to the age, breed, sex and even considering the health issues of your doggy. If your Fido is a 7 to 18-month adolescent or a herding, hound, sporting or mixed breed, his exercise needs will be high. The dogs who are not fit, old or very young can have problems with the strenuous exercise. So, it is advisable that you talk to the vet before embarking on any new exercise with your furry pal.

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