10 Pet Foods To Avoid

Whenever you have food, you must be putting some crumbs or a bit of share of whatever you are eating in a bowl for your pets. You treat them as a part of our family and think that your furry pal should have everything that you have. Although it is a fine gesture, it is very important to know whether your pet can digest that food or not. It may seem that your pet is fine with everything that you put in his food bowl, but he is not. You have to be very careful before giving food to him. Let’s have a look at 10 non-edible foods which you may be giving to your pet with love!

1. Chocolates- Not a treat, but a threat!
Almost everybody would be head over heels for these sweetened bars of cocoa. But, watch before you share it with your pup! Chocolates can be lethal for your furry pals. It has theobromine, which increases their heart rate, stimulation of central nervous system and constriction of arteries. Due to these reactions, your dog may show symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, hyperactivity, hyper excitation to cardiac arrest and death. If you see your pooch having a nibble of chocolate, consult your vet immediately.

2. Bones- It’s all about the flavor! 
If you want your pet to have a tasty meal, do not offer your left over bones to him. He chases bones because of the smell of meat that the bone carries. Bones can choke their digestive tracts. It can also get stuck in their mouth or throat. Your pet may need a surgery to get these things out of their system. The next time you feel like giving bones to your pet, give a milk bone or a cartilage skirt that your furry pal may enjoy eating.

3. Caffeine- Don’t let your pets lick your morning boosters! 
Coffee and tea can boost up your energy levels, but are certainly not advisable for your pets. They contain methylated xanthine that stimulates the central nervous systems and cardiac systems just like chocolates do. Within hour, your pet may show symptoms like vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea, heart palpitations and sometimes, death. Secure your breakfasts every morning and don’t let your furry friend have a slurp of such liquids!

4. Raisins and Grapes- Tasty, but not edible for your pets.
They do not cause any sudden symptoms, but damages your pet’s kidney. Small dogs may react immediately and can show worse signs on its intake. Maybe these sour fruits are just for us to relish!

5. Onions- Already it makes us cry. Let it not make our darlings cry! 
Onions are toxic for pets. They contain disulfides, which damages the blood cells of dogs and cats. Your pets can become anemic, weak and can experience breathing problems. In short, they may have to face fatal consequences of its consumption. If you see your friend having onions, consult a vet immediately. Don’t let onions take your pet’s life and make you cry harder than the usual.

6. Try tuna for cats and avoid tuna for humans. 
It’s a known fact that cats absolutely love to have fish. There is a reason why you can see a label “tuna for cats”. If you feed your cats with tuna for humans, your feline may develop heart problems. Tuna for humans do not contain the amino acid known as taurine that helps in maintaining normal strength. Only tuna for cats contain these essential amino acids as well as the omega 3, 6 fatty acids. The ideal thing is to feed your cat with Tuna fish only thrice a week. Avoid it cooked in oil. Tuna in water can be the best option for your felines.

7. Avocados- Absolutely healthy, but just for humans!
Avocados are high in fat and can cause severe stomach pain to your pets. Vomiting and pancreatitis may occur on its consumption. It can also block your pet’s intestinal tract and a surgery would be necessary then.

8. Alcohol- Extending joyous celebrations to your pets can be lethal for them.
Celebrate to the core on your special days, but do not extend a glass of alcoholic beverages towards your pets. These drinks imbalances their nervous system, respiratory system and their heart rate. It can also cause urinary incontinence and death.

9. Milk- Surprising, but true! 
We often put bowls of milk for stray dogs and cats. But, most of them are lactose intolerant and will suffer from diarrhea. Most of the pets lack the enzymes that are needed to break down the milk sugar that eventually leads to vomiting, diarrhea and gastrointestinal problems.

10. Say no to raw meat or eggs! 
Raw meat or eggs may contain bacteria like E. coli and Salmonella, which can be unhygienic for pets. They can cause vomiting and diarrhea in your sweet furry pals.

In all, there are many people still unaware about these facts. It is very necessary to know about the side effects of the food before you feed your pets. Try to know as much as possible and avoid feeding your pets with the non edible foods to pets. Take care!


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