Keeping Pets Clean- There’s More Than A Bath!

Keeping clean does not limit to washing or bathing pets. There are several other cleanliness measures which are necessary to take for your pet’s healthy living. For instance, grooming is one of the most important and necessary part of your pet’s life. Regular grooming of pets gives you a chance to inspect your pet’s coat for fleas, lumps and bumps. It is recommended to brush your pets on a daily basis for maintaining their optimal health.

Make sure you choose a perfect time to brush your pets. For dogs it is recommended to groom them after they have had their walk or any other physical activity.  After physical wear out pooches tend to be calm and may not resist your detailed touch on their body. Cats are self groomers, but you may need to check them out for fleas and other skin issues. It may be better if you examine your kitty when she is sleepy. This was all about grooming, now let’s discuss about cleaning your pet’s ears and nails:


Dog’s ears are built in a way that debris and dirt accumulates easily in their ears. Especially the breeds like cocker spaniel that has big, dangling ear flaps provide a dark, moist, in all a perfect atmosphere for bacterial development. It is necessary to clean your dog’s ears on a weekly basis to keep a check on his ear’s condition. Use appropriate ear cleansing products after consulting your vet. You may use cotton wool pad to clean instead of cotton buds. Use of cotton wool buds is not recommended.
In comparison to dogs, cats are cleaner and their ears do not collect debris and dirt in extreme amount like dogs. In case of cats, check the ear flaps first for redness or soreness. Then gently fold back and look into the ear canal. Make sure your feline’s ears are not releasing any odor and have minimal ear wax. If there is more debris or wax accumulation then it is recommended to contact your vet as soon as possible.


There is a misconception prevailing among dog owners about nails which is that dog’s toenails wear out naturally by the daily physical activities. However, it is completely wrong and it is essential to trim their nails to prevent accidental nail breakage. Make sure you cut your pup’s nail regularly. You only need to cut the white part of your pooch’s nails. The red portion contains veins and tissues which if cut may give pain to your canines. Use treats when you set for this mission and start with just touching his paws and move ahead gradually. 

For cats, handling their paws is the biggest challenge and this is the reason it is advised to start right when they are kittens. Start by touching your kitty’s paws every night when she is sleepy. She may grow comfortable with this exercise of touching and gentle massage if executed every day. Once you think that your tabby has become comfortable, gently press their toe pad and extend the nails. Clip them very cautiously. Keep treats handy!

This was a brief grooming lesson which may help you in keeping your pawed friends clean and healthy. After all there is much more to cleanliness other than bathing pets. Isn’t it?


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