Puppy Vaccinations- Which Ones Are Necessary?

Vaccination safeguards your dog from a number of diseases and strengthens their immune system for better growth. Especially in puppies, vaccination is utmost important because they lose the inherited immunity from their mother within 2-3 weeks and thus need immediate protection against the lurking viruses and bacteria ready to attack their bodies. So, let’s have an insight into the role vaccinations play in increasing immunity.

What Vaccines Do In The Body?
Vaccines are generally attenuated organisms that are administered directly inside the body through injections for the protection against various illnesses. These attenuated organisms are considered as foreign agents by the body’s immune system hence the body produces antibodies against them.

When Should Puppies Be Vaccinated?
Puppies must be vaccinated every 2 weeks after 2 weeks of age until they are 3-4 months old. Once they are four- sixth months old, the schedule is switched to once a month and the booster (final vaccination) is administered when the dog is 12 months old. The idea of frequently administering vaccines in the first few months is to maintain the immunity of the puppies body when he starts losing the one inherited. It is a critical phase wherein the motherly antibodies can intervene with long-term protection.

In these initial phases, dogs must receive the core vaccines like that of canine distemper, canine parvovirus, rabies, adenovirus 2 and parainfluenza virus. Apart from these, it is important to also get the puppy vaccinated against Lyme disease, Leptospirosis, and Bordetella. Though you can certainly protect your pup from Lyme disease by using tick preventatives, it is advisable to have him vaccinated for complete protection.

Dog Vaccination Schedule 

Are There Any Side-Effects Of Vaccination?
Though vaccination is mostly safe for all dogs, however, exceptions can always be there. Some dogs may react to the carrying agent in the vaccine. Therefore, you must consult the vet before administering any vaccine.
In normal conditions, however, it is common if the vaccinated dog experiences rashes or is more lethargic than usual. You must not bother yourself about these symptoms because mostly it is the body’s response to the vaccine and normally gets resolved itself in a day or two.
If you think it is a little risky and don’t want to vaccinate your dog, consider the consequences that your pet would have to go through if he catches any of the fatal diseases. Isn’t it better to safeguard him in advance rather than spending on his treatments?
Vaccination is extremely important so better not skip it if you are a responsible and caring pet parent!

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