7 Signs That Your Dog is Under Stress

It is not uncommon to find a dog that barks for no reasons or seems extremely annoyed. Stress in canines can lead to several behavioral changes which may seem normal at times but are tell-tale signs of his deteriorating mental condition. Anxiety and stress can change your dog’s personality or even worse - can have a negative impact on his physical health as well. When humans are stressed out they can vent it out by engaging in a tussle or throw tantrums and behave like a nerd. Dogs don’t have this privilege. They cannot speak it up and thus feel subdued which is very harmful to their overall health. Therefore, as a pet owner, you must know the subtle signs of stress and depression in dogs to help him cope up well before it becomes severe. Read through the list to understand what those stress indicators are, in dogs.

Top 7 Signs of Stress in Dogs  

Excessive Licking 

Licking is very normal in dogs. However, in case he seems to lick his lips and nose quite frequently and excessively, he may be conveying to his human friend that he is under stress. Dogs cannot speak their thoughts but they can definitely show them up through their actions, so be watchful.

Digestive Issues

Anxiety can flex stomach muscles which lead to digestive issues like diarrhea or constipation in dogs. It is important to take a professional help if the condition is prolonged and severe. Keep a track of his stools. Do notify your vet about any changes in the consistency or blood in his fecal matter as it can be an indicator of a more severe health issue which needs to be addressed quickly.

Increased Sleeping

A distressed dog finds solace in sleeping. It is their way of distracting themselves from the melancholy they experience and thus they tend to become more lethargic. Well, lethargy can also be a symptom of other conditions like liver or heart problems, anemia, hyperthyroidism, diabetes etc. So, take a vet’s help in case you find him sleeping more than he usually does.


Aggression emerges from infliction, be it mental or physical. When dogs feel stressed out they tend to get violent pretty quickly just like humans. A distressed dog can sometimes be very dangerous if not treated soon so get him checked by the vet immediately.


A stressed dog stays away from socializing. The mental grief he goes through often isolates him from the rest of the world. He rather prefers to sit and sulk in a corner than communicate with other dogs or his human. Most dogs whose parents don’t pay much attention to them have the disposition to get isolated from others to feel safe and at peace. If you see your dog doing so, start taking better care of your dog.


Incessant and absent-minded barking is another way of venting out stress in dogs. Though it may seem normal, it’s better to get him checked on time in case you find him too noisy.

Panting and Yawning

You can find your dog yawning when he feels sleepy or panting when he is tired. But, if he seems to be panting and yawning even when either of the reasons isn’t true, you need to watch out. He might be stressed out. Anxiety in dogs causes them to pant and yawn without any apparent reason. It is a mental blockage experienced due to stress which leads to such symptoms. Make sure you address the condition immediately and consult your vet.


Probably this was unpredictable, right? So in case, you don’t know, dogs do shed their fur even when they are mildly distressed.

All of these signs of stress are triggered either due to unwanted changes in the pet’s lifestyle or can be attributed to change of location, separation from his owner or a person he adores. Adoption of another pet has also known to cause stress in dogs because of the diversion of his owner’s attention towards the new pet. This, in turn, makes him edgy and his behavior becomes unpredictable. So, it is important to comprehend what is the real cause of stress in your dog to make the amendments accordingly. You have to pay attention to your pet needs so he doesn’t feel lonely and unattended.

Make sure he gets proper food and your time. Other than that, you can also use a calming diffuse or a thunder shirt to control his stress or resort to other stress management techniques. However, it is still important to get the dog checked in the first place to combat the situation.


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