How Can You Look Out for Your Pet?

Despite hairballs, litter, shedding and all, we adore our furry family members. They make our lives more colorful. But there are chances that they can be affected by many diseases during their lifetime. We have to take the responsibility to help them take care of themselves. So, let’s take a moment to honor the health of our pets, our homes, and ourselves, by considering the ways in which we can protect our pets.

Here are the 5 ways using which you can protect your pet.

Artificial Fragrances
While powerfully scented carpet powders, candles, and sprays are quite effective at masking pet odors, they also contain chemicals that your pet breathes in. They also fill your home with toxins, and affect the air you breathe in too!

Baking soda is inexpensive and environmentally friendly and contains no harsh chemicals or irritating fragrances. As a natural deodorizer, sprinkle it onto rugs and carpets and vacuum after 10-15 minutes. Add a drop or two of essential oils before shaking onto the carpet for a natural scent.

Choose Healthier Pet Food
Believe it or not, most commercial pet foods contain rendered animal by-products. In addition to these by-products, traditional pet foods are full of chemical additives, preservatives and dyes all linked to food allergies in both dogs and cats. So, it’s up to you to choose mindfully for your pet, and for the environment.

Dental Care
What would happen to your teeth if you never brushed them? They'd decay and eventually fall out. Your breath would be awful! The same thing goes for our pets, and unfortunately, dental care is often overlooked when it comes to dogs and cats. Due to this, your pet can face problems like tooth loss, abscesses, and even heart, kidney and liver complications from bacteria-laced tooth infections. Fortunately, there’s a full range of dental care available for pets. Contact your vet immediately, if you are confused on how to go about your pet’s dental hygiene.

Pet Insurance
Veterinary bills can come suddenly and unexpectedly, which means unanticipated financial obligations to care for your pet. However, a little financial foresight in the form of pet savings accounts or pet insurance can be a great way to ensure your pet is cared for in the event of a medical crisis.

Learn Pet First Aid Kit
Be prepared for emergencies. You can get yourself certified in Pet First Aid. Ask your veterinarian where to find a pet first aid course near you. Of course, even if you get certified, it’s important to have a pet disaster kit in hand in case something unexpected happens.

Prevention is always better than cure. You should always plan ahead for your furry friends in order to protect them from any unfortunate events as they aren’t capable of taking care of themselves and it’s always better to be safe than to be sorry.


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