Pet Parent's Guide to Keep Your Pet’s Ear Clean and Safe

Pet ears are not just organs of hearing – they are incredibly expressive too!

It's far better than ours. And this is why having pets to assist people is a natural fit. They always give mankind a sense of security. They mostly perk up their ear when they are alert and energetic. Floppy or pointy, small or big, dog ears are pretty amazing in all of their varieties. But besides being aesthetically pleasing, they are also great places for problems to occur.

Because pet ears have nooks and crannies where debris like dirt, yeast, bacteria and parasites easily get attracted. If they are not treated quickly and effectively, the infection has become painful and serious concerns for pet. So, it is essential for you, as pet owner, to take care of your pet’s ears on at least once or twice a week.

Yes! Cleaning and caring for your pet's ears are the best ways to reduce the chance of ear infections and other ear issues early. Let’s see some signs that pet may have if he has ear infections.

Signs of Ear Infections:

•    Excess scratching, rubbing or pawing around the ears
•    Head shaking or tilting the head to one side
•    Bad smells or discharge from the ear
•    Redness in the ear canal
•    Ear swelling
•    Pain or sensitivity around the ears
•    Masses around the ear
•    Behavior change

Most importantly, be alert if you witness any brown or black ear wax and dry dark wax. It might be microscopic ear mites, irritating external pest that can make life miserable for your pet.  So, take your gooey-eared pooch for a checkup as soon as possible to identify the actual cause of the problem if you find any of above signs in your beloved pet.

Why Do Pets Get Ear Infections?

There are multiple reasons that can affect ears of pet.  The allergic disease is most common in pets. So you have mostly seen pet with itching, rubbing, or licking the paws, face, or under the tail areas. In case of pet ear problems, the allergies might be ordinary cause. Well, the following is a list of specific causes of pet ear infections:

•    Allergies
•    improper  hygiene
•    Hypersensitivities
•    Foreign objects
•    Ear mites, yeast, fungus
•    Excessive wax production
•    Masses or polyps in the ear
•    Trauma
•    Grass Seeds
•    Wounds
•    Unhealthy environment

How are Pet Ear Infections Treated?

It is not as difficult as you think. Ear infections give a reason to spot the issues early and get the best treatment from a vet.  Just wipe down the ear flap is not enough to keep your pet’s ear safe. The right technique only matters here!  There are a wide range of over-the-counter medications treatments formulated for treating ear infections. But they can be effective when they properly reaches the ear problems.

To make the treatments effective, you have to remove the junks and debris from your pet's ear. as routine care, you can use cotton swab and ear cleaning solutions to remove excess junks without causing harm to sensitive ear canals of pet. And if your pet has ear mite then you need to be careful. Because, like flea, mites also lay eggs which have very tough exterior that can't be treated easily. So, it is best to look for powerful ear mite treatments as soon as possible and administrate them in a proper way.

Moreover, these nasty mites are spread by direct contact of ear mite infested pet. Therefore, you also have to clean the kennels properly as well as treat environment with a flea-type insecticide once and continue it for few days. Keep your pet away from the infested pet, too.

In nutshell, just a few simple efforts to keep his ears clean will go far in preventing many of the ear problems that most commonly make your precious companion's life so miserable.


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