How Do I Know If My Dog Respects Me?

Does your dog respect you? We all know that dogs are naturally loyal and be kind, but that doesn't mean they respect you. As in human relationships, you need to give respect to get respect, the same goes with dogs. If you treat your pooch with positive attitude, kindness and honor they will surely trust and respect you in return. Here are some pointers through, which you can find out your furry pal respects you or not.

How Can You Tell If Your Dog Respects You?


  • When you return home and dog see you he may use submissive body language that is wagging his tail happily, laying his ears back to show that he respect you.

  • The dog may groom you by lip licking or kiss you on your cheek to show their respect towards you as his leader.

  • If he walks in front of you he is disrespecting you. If your dog is calm and walks beside you or back of you, this is the respect for you from your dog that he will never push himself ahead of his owner.

  • If the dog waits for his food to serve and don't try to steal the food from your plate or hand, it means that he respects you. 

  • The dog sitting on couch or anywhere in the house, if he frees the space on the couch or anywhere else for you to sit or stand, then it is a sign that he respects you.

  • If your dog obeys your commands, that is a sign that it respects you. Not following commands is a very basic way to figure out whether your dog respects you; of course, he needs to have been taught the command beforehand.

  • You have to groom your pet in terms of keeping him clean, happy and healthy. For this you my need to trim his nails, give bath, give treatments, put on flea and tick preventatives and you may even do things, which your dog may don't like. If your dog respects and trusts you, he will not growl while thing are being attended to no matter how much he dislikes it. 

  • Dogs use their eyes, they keep an constant eye contact to give challenge or intimidate subordinates in the pack. Make sure if your dog is staring at you never look away from your dog first. If your dog respects you, he will break the eye contact with you first.

If you need respect from your dog, show them love and treat them with respect, they will put their trust in you as the leader of the pack. You can similarly show some kindness in terms of dog toys, dog gifts, dog health supplies kits, other pet first-aid medical kit and so on.. So your loving pets also feel great respect and care from your end and stay healthy and happy with you for years.


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