Interesting Ways To Entertain Your Cat

Is your indoor kitty bored, irritated or depressed? It it is so, then your cat is not comfortable as she is not getting chance to do thing which like to do. Do you know, cats have instinctive needs to express some of the behaviors. As your cat stays indoor, she is not able to perform some activities she gets stressed, and this make her boredom. Here some interesting tips to keep your indoor cat happy:

Cat Tree:

You can get a cat tree which is easily available at the pet stores. Cats like to show their turf from above and also love to climb and jump. The cat trees may be a scratching post for her.

Hiding Place:

Create a hiding place for your kitty. Cats are passionate hunters, they like to hide before hunting the prey. So you can make a place where she can hide and give an opportunity to hide before bouncing on a ball. This is also the best thing to avoid the kitty boredom.


Playing is the secret to keep your indoor cat happy. You can share the different types of toys with your kitty which allows her to stalk, chase, pounce and kick. Remember not give toys that could harm her such as toys attached with string etc.

Feed Something Appetizing:

Mostly the outdoor cats spend their lot of time gathering food by hunting. The indoor cats lack this activity and become bored. To keep the indoor cats happy and entertained, feed them other food rather than canned or dry food. Hide some of the kibbles or treat to let them hunt the food in your house. But make sure you don't over feed your kitty. Whatever you feed extra to your furry pal it must be subtracted from her's daily food intake.

Outdoor View:

Cats love to gaze through the window. This is the best activity of all cats when they are home alone. They enjoy watching the view and it is extra interesting for them when the sun is rising and birds are awakening. Kitty likes to take the sun bath for long time. So it is better to leave at least one window free and accessible for your cat.

Finally, Make sure you spend lot of quality time with your indoor cat when you are at home. Playing and interacting with your furry pal for some time can also make her stay healthy, happy and entertained.

You may also be interested in reading: Why Should I Buy A Scratching Post For My Kitty?


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