7 Signs That Your Dog is Under Stress

It is not uncommon to find a dog that barks for no reasons or seems extremely annoyed. Stress in canines can lead to several behavioral changes which may seem normal at times but are tell-tale signs of his deteriorating mental condition. Anxiety and stress can change your dog’s personality or even worse - can have a negative impact on his physical health as well. When humans are stressed out they can vent it out by engaging in a tussle or throw tantrums and behave like a nerd. Dogs don’t have this privilege. They cannot speak it up and thus feel subdued which is very harmful to their overall health. Therefore, as a pet owner, you must know the subtle signs of stress and depression in dogs to help him cope up well before it becomes severe. Read through the list to understand what those stress indicators are, in dogs. Top 7 Signs of Stress in Dogs Excessive Licking Licking is very normal in dogs. However, in case he seems to lick his lips and nose quite freque...