Misconceptions Of Cat’s Allergy

Earlier, myths are the common problem of mankind; generally it was due to unavailability of the resources for scientifically approved and technical knowledge. Now the scenario is dramatically different, everything is on pin point and you can get data on numerous topics for your knowledge. When it comes to pets, in that too you must have encountered with weird sayings !! Especially, related to our cats! Myths and belief varies according to places and races. Still, it is very important to enlighten people’s mind with precise and logical knowledge. Some of the common myths among people regarding our feline friends: Myth : • You are allergic? If yes, then you can’t stay with a cat having allergy Your allergy to cats and diagnosed later in life, and if you already live with a cat or dog, you are faced with a difficult decision: does your pet stay or go? Some allergy sufferers assume that the longer they expose themselves to the source of their al...