3 Ingenious Ways to Train your New Puppy

When you own a new puppy it is one of the most memorable days of your life. You would want to shower him with kisses and love them unconditionally by cuddling them. But they are also prone to naughty behaviors like chewing up and biting with extra sharp puppy teeth. No matter how cute they seem it is very important to select a private trainer or teach your puppy basic training with the help of a book. Basic obedience is very important for a new pup. Let us look at some of ingenious ways to train your new puppy . Train your puppy to learn ‘Drop it’ command Puppies have the habit of picking anything and everything off the ground which includes kids, shoes, toys, old nasty food from the sidewalks and wrappers. If you teach your little pup ‘drop it’ command it will protect them from ingesting some potentially harmful things. You can commence the training by displaying their toys. Have them on a leash so that you can enough control over them and then hand them a toy. Once it is...